申込者情報(Applicant Information)
- 氏名(Name)
- 必須/Required
【例】見本 太郎 ※姓名の間のスペースは「全角」でご入力ください
【Example】Taro Mihon
- 氏名(ふりがな)(Name (in hiragana))
- 必須/Required
【例】みほん たろう ※姓名の間のスペースは「全角」でご入力ください
【Example】Taro Mihon *Please type it again.
- 所属(Affiliation)
- 必須/Required
【Example】Mihon University
- メールアドレス(Email address)
- 必須/Required
An automated reply will be sent to the email address you enter here. Please enter it correctly. Please note that you cannot register a cell phone email address.
再度メールアドレスを入力してください。/Please re-enter your email address.
- 住所(Address)
- 必須/Required
住所:○○県○○市○○○町1-1 ○○マンション111号室
住所:○○県○○市○○○町100番地 見本大学大学院●●研究科 見本研究室
Please enter the postal code using single-byte numbers and no hyphens.
Do not forget to enter the house number, building name, institution name, or department name.
【Example 1】Postal code:0001111
Address:○○Apartment 111, 1-1, ○○-cho, ○○-shi, ○○-ken
【Example 2】Postal code:0002222
Address:Mihon Laboratory, Graduate School of ○○, ○○ University, 100, ○○-cho, ○○-shi, ○○-ken
- 必須/Required
- 〒(Postal code)
- 必須/Required
- 住所(Address)
- 連絡先電話番号(Phone number)
- 必須/Required
- 連絡先FAX番号(Fax number)
報告内容(Presentation Content)
- 応募区分(Application category)
- 必須/Required
- 使用言語(Language)
- 必須/Required
- 報告タイトル(Title of presentation)
- 必須/Required
If your language is Japanese, please enter in Japanese. If your language is English, please enter in English.
- 報告者1 氏名(Name of presenter 1)
- 必須/Required
Please include the applicant's name in the presenter's name.
【例】見本 太郎 ※姓名の間のスペースは「全角」でご入力ください
【Example】Taro Mihon
- 報告者1 氏名(ふりがな)(Name of presenter 1 (in hiragana))
- 必須/Required
【例】みほん たろう ※姓名の間のスペースは「全角」でご入力ください
【Example】Taro Mihon *Please type it again.
- 報告者1 所属機関(Affiliation of presenter 1)
- 必須/Required
【Example】Mihon University
- 報告者1 職位(Employment position of presenter 1)
- 必須/Required
【Example】Professor, Associate professor, Graduate student
- 報告者1 メールアドレス(Email address of presenter 1)
- 必須/Required
- 報告者2 氏名(Name of presenter 2)
- 報告者2 氏名(ふりがな)(Name of presenter 2 (in hiragana))
- 報告者2 所属機関(Affiliation of presenter 2)
- 報告者2 職位(Employment position of presenter 2)
- 報告者2 メールアドレス(Email address of presenter 2)
- 報告者3 氏名(Name of presenter 3)
- 報告者3 氏名(ふりがな)(Name of presenter 3 (in hiragana))
- 報告者3 所属機関(Affiliation of presenter 3)
- 報告者3 職位(Employment position of presenter 3)
- 報告者3 メールアドレス(Email address of presenter 3)
- 報告者4 氏名(Name of presenter 4)
- 報告者4 氏名(ふりがな)(Name of presenter 4 (in hiragana))
- 報告者4 所属機関(Affiliation of presenter 4)
- 報告者4 職位(Employment position of presenter 4)
- 報告者4 メールアドレス(Email address of presenter 4)
- 報告者5 氏名(Name of presenter 5)
- 報告者5 氏名(ふりがな)(Name of presenter 5 (in hiragana))
- 報告者5 所属機関(Affiliation of presenter 5)
- 報告者5 職位(Employment position of presenter 5)
- 報告者5 メールアドレス(Email address of presenter 5)
- 報告概要(Abstract of presentation)
- 必須/Required
Please submit the following information clearly written on a single sheet of A4 paper. The file you submit must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format. After submitting, please check your email for confirmation of receipt.
①Names of all presenters (all presenters must be members at the time of application)
②Affiliations (current position and title) of all presenters
③E-mail addresses of all presenters
④Title of presentation
⑤Abstract of presentation (summarize the problem awareness, issues, perspective, main findings, etc. in 1,200 characters or less. However, for free theme presenters (recommended by local divisions), summarize in 200 characters or less.
・Please submit the presentation abstract in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
・Please make sure that the file name of the abstract is "Name of presentation applicant" (e.g. Mihon-Taro.docx, Mihon-Taro.pdf).
・Please do not use the following characters in the filename: "&", "#", "%", "+", "<", ">" and environment-dependent characters, as well as half-width spaces.
There are cases where the file upload does not complete normally.
・Please keep the size of the file you are uploading to 3MB or less.
- 備考(Remarks)
If there are more than 6 presenters, please enter the information below for the 6th and subsequent presenters.
【例】見本 花子/みほん はなこ/見本大学/大学院生/ooo@ooo.oo.oo
見本 次郎/みほん じろう/サンプル大学/教授/ooo@ooo.oo.oo
【Example】Hanako Mihon, Mihon University, Graduate Student, ooo@ooo.oo.oo
Jiro Mihon, Sample University, Professor, ooo@ooo.oo.oo